Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Oy Vey! They Became Religious! | Cross-Currents

Oy Vey! They Became Religious! | Cross-Currents

"...Are we so afraid of what we teach our kids that they can’t know that their grandparents are not Frum. In my mind it is an act of insecurity that some try to limit the relationships between family members, except in a case that there is intent for malicious harm. Is our Yiddiskiet so weak that we need fear interaction with families members will harm our children’s Yiddiskiet.

I have much personal experience with this. My in-laws where the classically traditional Jews. Growing up in the thirties and forties they had parents that where Shomer Shabbos, but they received no Yeshiva education. They ate kosher in and Chinese out..."

Sites to See:

The Writers Cafe.org
Passaic Dating, From Frum & Single to Frum and Married,
Before I Became Frum

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