Opinion of the Authur, Aharon Moshe ben-Dovid (AhMbDvd):
The ritual slaughter of Chickens is a well established custom for jews prior to Yom Kippor. It is a simple ritual that when performed properly gives one a deep sense of how extreme a harsh judgement from Hashem can be.
Kaparos: The individual (a male takes a male chicken, female a female chicken, and a pregnant women takes two female chickens, and one male chicken) and recites a short passage of scripture three times while encirling a live chicken above one's head. The person doing the Kaparot then witnesses the slaughter of the very same chicken.
As far as any possible controversy there really should be none. The kosher slaughter of the chicken has never been questioned by any animal rights groups. Probably the biggest element which provides for an incredible amount of controversy has to do with using the actual slaughtered chicken itself as Tzeduka. Because if you personally do not wait around until the chicken which you witnessed being slaughtered is fully processed (multiply this by a number proportionate -even if its say 10%- of the ortthodox population in Brooklyn) then you could well imagine that the bodies of the dead or dying chickens begin to pile up quickly, which is exactly what happened in http://crownheights.info/index.php?itemid=7711&catid=3 Crown Heights in 2006.
The most simple, understandable and normal thing to do after personally witnessing the kosher slaughter of the animal that was specifically intended to serve as a substitute for a negative judgement from Hashem, would be to wait for your slaughtered animal to be further processed in a kosher manner and take it home to be cooked, and eat it!
Any issue regarding how, or when to eat the chicken which was personally slaughtered for you, in your name, as a partial atonement, or reminder of you aveiras (sins) can alaways be handled. However the thing that you (if in Brooklyn you represent an individual amongst thousands) need to keep in mind, elect not to take the kosher, freshly slaughtered chicken home to cook and to later eat, is that you are now contributing and yes creating a situation where there will bound to be a surplus of thousands of chickens (including the one slaughtered in your name) which will not be subsequently and efficiently fully and humanely processed for consumption in accordance with kosher halacha.
AhMbDvd-Passaic NJ http://findinsight.blogspot.com/
http://thewriterscafe.tripod.com http://tiger_bythe_toe.tripod.com/
"As far as any possible controversy there really should be none".
i'm sorry but i disagree.
Yes, I'm in complete agreement with you. And the way that it's stated here - "there really should be none" - is so completely arrogant. I am really tired of religious institutions finding ways to rationalize their inhumane and anti-female rituals. It's rude and condescending.
Clarification: I'm in complete agreement with Nir, not with the author.
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